At Helmholtz Munich, we develop groundbreaking solutions for a healthier society in a rapidly changing world. We believe that diverse perspectives drive innovation. Through strong partnerships, we accelerate the transfer of new ideas from the lab to real-life applications, improving lives.
The Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden (PLID) is a satellite institute of Helmholtz Munich at the University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine “Carl Gustav Carus” of TU Dresden and founding partner of the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD e.V.), which is funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). The DZD itself combines experts from all areas of diabetes research, so that basic research, epidemiology, translational research and clinical application deeply interconnect.
Research focus of the PLID is the protection and restoration of the pancreatic islets for the prevention and therapy of all forms of diabetes.
The Scientific Coordinator (f/m/x) will work closely with the institute's director to achieve the PLID's overall scientific mission as well as coordinate its research program and outreach activities.
Desirable qualifications
If you fulfil all the requirements, you may be eligible for a salary grade of up to E 13. Social benefits are based on the Collective Wage Agreement for Public-Sector Employees (TVöD). The position has an (initial) fixed term of 2 years, with the possibility of moving to a permanent contract.
„We believe that diversity is the key to groundbreaking research and innovative solutions. Our flexible working models and remote options create a supportive environment for balancing work and family life. For us, contributing to a healthier society in such an inspiring workplace is truly meaningful.“
If you have obtained a university degree abroad, we will require further documents from you regarding the comparability of your degree. Please request the Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications as early as possible.
We are committed to promoting a culture of diversity and welcome applications from talented people regardless of gender, cultural background, nationality, ethnicity, sexual identity, physical abilities, religion or age. Qualified applicants with physical disabilities will be given preference.